The basics

The OpenHatch Python code provides some basic APIs that can be used by JavaScript on the web. Currently, these APIs are only used by JavaScript within the OpenHatch site itself. In the future, people might want to re-use our data in off-site JavaScript apps, and we hope to enable that.

This page documents the data export APIs that exist.

API v1 Profile data

The URL /+api/v1/profile/ is a RESTful API base URL. It has one endpoint, portfolio_entry.

You can find out more about it interactively in your web browser, by visiting a URL like .

Additionally, if you have “cURL” (a common web page downloading tool), you can run this command from your computer’s command prompt:


Note that with curl (and with AJAX clients), you can (and should) omit ?format=json.

This exports data from the PortfolioEntry model in mysite/profile/models.py. You can read the detailed code and configuration behind it at mysite/profile/api.py. The API is powered by the Tastypie Django app.

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