Quotes database

This document explains our IRC quotes database.

How and when to submit a new quote

Let’s say something interesting happens on IRC. For example, if your friend stops by the IRC channel and says something amusing:

<friend> hey, I just realized
<friend> oh-mainline... the oh starts for OpenHatch...
<friend> but it's also, like -- oh! mainline!

and you want to put it in the IRC quotes database. Here are the steps you take:

  • Copy the text to your clipboard on your computer.
  • Visit the quotes database at http://boiling-refuge-7775.herokuapp.com/.
  • Click submit quote
  • Enter your quote in the DB, and click Submit
  • See the glorious “Your quote has been submitted and is now pending approval!” message
  • Send a private message to paulproteus to ask them to approve it.

How to approve quotes